Ever since I was a kid I’ve wanted to make action figures. In highschool I did a lot of different artwork ranging from paintings to sculptures. And now I’ve come up with some ideas and sketches for some cool figures. The problem is how to make them. I have the art and designs down, now I need to know where to go from there. I only want to make 3 or 4 at the moment and they’d only be for my personal use/display. I also wish to create them totally by myself from the sculpting to the painting. So my question is do you know of any really good how to create an action figure websites for newbies/novices like me? Preferably with step by step information, pictures and covering everything from materials, accessories, articulation, techniques, etc.
PS. I checked out the Kidrobot forum but a lot of that stuff was over my head since I have no clue what to do yet. Thanks for your time.
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