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Hi, Could you tell me any info or the value of an old Liqueur Bottle I found.
It states LIQUEUR, Superfine, Made in new York, Bottles by Charles Jacquin et cie inc New York.
It is Green Glass, empty, missing cork. States US serial # 1120 … Food & drug acts 1906.

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I have been brewing using Mr. Beer for several months but wanting to larger batches, 5 gals. at a time and organic beer/wine, coffee. Turned my 2/3 of one car garage to mini brewery to hobby. I have a neighbor that cannot drink beer because of grains. Is there a no grain method ? John in Payson,AZ

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I’m wondering if anyone knows who may sell Schlitz in Temple Texas.

Thanks for your help.

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Wine old

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Dear paul

I read this from you.
Expert: Paul Wagner
Date: 8/26/2006
Subject: Societe Philomatique XIII Exposition de Bordeaux

I have a bottle of wine with what appears to be an old label that reads: Societe
Philomatique, XIII Exposition de Bordeaux,
Nationale/Internationale/Universelle, Diplome d’Honneur..small words that
are difficult to read and then signatures from le Secretaire General and le
President, 1895.  Is there some history behind this?  Is this truly a bottle of
wine?  Does it have any value?

Hi Kathleen:

The bottle you have may or may not be good wine–you haven’t given me
enough information about that.  But the Societe Philomatique XIII Exposition
de Bordeaux did, in fact, meet in 1895, and there were hundreds of awards
given out.  It is possible that your wine was made by a chateau that won one
of those awards, or even that it was given out to the attendees–although I
think that is very unlikely.

What else does the label say?  Is this a smaller label on the neck, or is it the
full sized label on the main part of the bottle?  Those keys will help me give
you more information.

Paul Wagner
I have the same bottle.
Very small on the label front below.

les Monsieurs Heriteurs de Mr Marguis de Riscalin (?)

The main label is not readable

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Hi.  I have a full bottle of 1864 wine.  The label says: Grand Cama De Lobos, produced and shipped by Blandy’s Madeiras-Solera 1864. It has never been opened.  I also have a wooden cask with a wooden cork in the top.  On the front is written GUIGNOLET- FANTAISIE. Can you tell me anything about these?

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I am a new comer to beer brewing.  I started my 4th batch this week (a kit, Brewers Best English Pale Ale) and after 4 days I have not seen any bubbles in the airlock.  I am using a plastic bucket to ferment and have taken the lid off twice to try to reseal it.  There is a foamy mixture on top of the brew which makes it look like it is fermenting.  I have used this equipment for all my previous batches (3) and it worked before.  If there is a leak in the fermenter, will the brew still ferment properly?  Is there any way to check the brew to see if it fermented?

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How early can you tell if a batch is infected?  I”m a new home brewer and on my 3rd batch… so naturally I”m acting like an overprotective parent.

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