My husband is retiring from the navy after 26 years, and we are having the reception/party at our home after the ceremony. We have a friend cooking Ribs, and fajitas (steak and chicken) and he knows how much to cook for 125 – 150 people (Sailors). BUT, i don’t know how much other food. we are also having 15 people in our home for a week following the party so leftovers are not a problem, i am concerned about not having enough. this is what we have planned
party starts at 3pm
confirmed 93, 60 no rsvp yet ( but they are military and getting invites through the command still)
Ribs for 75
fajitas for 50 (50 each steak and chicken)
hot dogs 50
(yes its a lot of meat, but we are talking about sailors in texas)
what i need help with is the trays and salads. i have planned…
3 veggie trays, 2 cheese trays, 2 meat trays, 2 fruit trays,
potato salad and pasta salad.
HOW much cheese and meat should i be getting to make sure there is enough!!
and then the sides for the fajitas. how much tomato/salsa, lettuce, cheese, sour cream and guac should i have to make sure i do not run out!
The ribs/ fajitas will be ready to eat about 5 or 6 and most people will be at the leaving their house to head to the ceremony at 11AM and some even earlier so i have to have trays for the people who are starving from the actual retirement.
I hope you can help me, i would rather eat leftovers for a few days then not have enough. again, 15 people will be living in my house eating for a week after, so leftovers from the party mean less cooking for me!
thank you so very much in advance!!!!!!!
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